May 20, 2024

Visa Consultation Appointment

Thank you for your interest in TGI Visa Services. We provide assistance in applying for tourist visa or business visa to select embassies. This page allows you to secure an appointment with us to discuss your detailed queries on visa requirements, application process or document assessment.

Note: This Visa Appointment form is for one (1) applicant only per appointment form submission.

Step-1 Fill-out the Visa Appointment Form

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Step-2 Make Payment

Note: Please ensure the details you entered are correct. The fees are non-transferable and non-refundable in case of cancellation. Kindly arrive at TGI Office 15 minutes prior to your appointment.

Visa Consultation Appointment Paypal Payment Form

If you are already sure with your Visa Consultation Appointment schedule, press the "Submit Payment" button to finalize the appointment.

Payment for: Visa Consultation Appointment


Enter your details below. Required Fields must not be blank.

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Please arrive on Schedule, failure to show up on scheduled time will result to forfeiture of payment.